Honeymoon in Vegas

Jack and Betsy Nolan have been dating for five years. Marriage seems like the next logical step, but the two are not at the same stage. Betsy has been patient enough and needs immediate commitment as jack's mother, on her deathbed, made her promise never to marry. Finally, Jack agrees to get married spontaneously in Las Vegas.
Once in Vegas, Jack loses $ 58 in a game of poker against Tommy, who secretly loves Betsy. Tommy finally offers a weekend with Betsy instead of the money. Understandably, Betsy is furious with Jack for using her as a bargaining chip, but begins to like Tommy and the stability he offers her.
Tommy takes Betsy to Hawaii and lies when he says that the sum Jack lost in poker was $ 800 and not $ 58000 in an attempt to win Betsy for good.
Enraged with Jack, Betsy impulsively decides to marry Tommy in Vegas. Meanwhile, Jack realizes the depth of his mistakes and flies to Hawaii to win Betsy back. Then he leaves for Las Vegas to stop their union.
Once there, Betsy changes her mind. Rather than respect his decision, Tommy desperately offers Betsy a million dollars to marry him before Jack arrives in Vegas.

Find some excerpts from the show when it was on Broadway in 2015:
General information
  • Style : Comedy, Romance
  • Theme : Marriage, Comedy, Betrayal
  • year of creation : 2013
  • Composer :Jason Robert Brown
  • Lyricist :Jason Robert Brown
  • Librettist :Andrew Bergman
  • Author (other) :Andrew Bergman
  • famous songs "Overture" "I Love Betsy" "Never Get Married" "Anywhere But Here" "When You Say Vegas" "Out of the Sun" "The Invitation" "Forever Starts Tonight" "Betsy's Getting Married" "The Game"" Come to an Agreement" "Do Something" "Hawaii/Waiting For You" "Ev'ryday is Happy in Hawaii" "Friki-Friki" "You Made the Wait Worthwhile" "A Little Luck" "Isn't That Enough?" "Airport Song" "Higher Love" "I've Been Thinking" "Honeymoon in Vegas"
  • Famous performers : TR Knight, Mary Faber, Tony Danza, Nancy Opel, Alvin Ing, John Conlee, Rob Bartlett, Rob McClure, Brynn O'Malley, Nancy Opel, Matthew Saldivar, Catherine Ricafort, Samantha Barks, Maxwell Caulfield, Arthur Darvill, Rosemary Ashe , Simon Lipkin.
  • Inspired by another work : The musical is based on a 1992 comedy of the same name, directed by Andrew Bergman.
  • Exists in film : The 1992 film stars James Caan, Nicolas Cage, and Sarah Jessica Parker but is not a musical.
  • Appointments and Awards : Although nominated for several awards, the musical did not win any awards.
  • Number of performances : 93
Currently on stage