The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the Musical

Summary :

Tom Sawyer is a carefree young teenager who dreams of freedom and adventure. But in his small town on the Mississippi River, Tom is seen as a little rascal with bad company like Muff Potter, the village alcoholic. His aunt Polly, who took him in just like his brother Sid when their parents disappeared, tries somehow to bring him up as best as possible.
While running away from his aunt's house, Tom meets Huckleberry Finn, a young marginal who sails along the Mississippi on his raft.
One evening, while Tom and Huckleberry are in a cemetery, they witness a murder: Joe the Indian, a thug who has just arrived in town, discovers a treasure map with the help of Muff Potter , and kill the cemetery keeper. Joe the Indian lets Muff be accused of the crime for him ...
Only Tom and Huckleberry know the identity of the real culprit, but they have vowed not to say anything in order to protect their own lives.

However, will they manage to exonerate Muff Potter by discovering the treasure before Joe the Indian? Will Tom manage to win the love of the beautiful Becky Thatcher, the daughter of the village judge, without jeopardizing his friendship with Huckleberry? Will he finally win the respect of his aunt and everyone after all these adventures?

Find the trailer of the show which was at the Mogador Theater in 2018:
General information
  • Style : Adventure, Teenagers, Children, Family
  • Theme : United States, Travel, Friendship
  • year of creation : 2017
  • Composer : Julien Salvia
  • Lyricist : Ludovic-Alexandre Vidal
  • Librettist : Ludovic-Alexandre
  • Author (other) :Mark Twain
  • famous songs : Opening" "Prologue" "In Two Three Brushstrokes" "My Great Adventure" "Tell Yourself There Are Worse Elsewhere" "You're My Treasure" "The Wheel Turns" "Of Course There Is Annoys Me A Little Anyway" "I Say That, I Say Nothing" "But Not Me" "The Nightmare" "Entr'Act" "Thanks to Tom" "But That's Life" "After the Rain , the Good Weather" "I'm Not" "Of Course It Annoys Me A Little Anyway"
  • Famous performers : Jimmy Costa Savelli, Pablo Cherrey-Iturralde, Harry Hamaoui, Megan Bonsard, Marion Preité, Vincent Escure, Joseph Laurent, Antoine Beauraing, Olivia Masseron, Bastien Gabriel, Marion Cador, Pablo Cherrey-Iturralde, Yannis Si Ah.
  • Inspired by another work : The musical is loosely inspired by Mark Twain's novel, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer".
  • Appointments and Awards : The show won 3 La Comédie Musicale Trophies in 2018
Currently on stage